Am I the only Italian on here?
Hello to everyone! :-)
I am new on here, and I think that I am one of the very few Italians.
Taking a break from studying.
I am learning about the history of the Internet and weblogs.
I write for one, "La Voce Maschile", which I take my Loforo name from.
I just wanted to leave a greeting.
I do not even know if I will ever be read... Ahahah!
Ciao from Giuseppe!
Ciao a tutti! :-)
Sono nuovo da queste parti, e penso di essere uno dei pochi italiani quassù!
A proposito: c'è nessuno!?
Sto prendendo una pausa dallo studio.
Sto studiando la storia dell'Internet e del weblog.
Scrivo per un blog, "La Voce Maschile", dal quale prendo il mio nome per Loforo.
Volevo solo lasciare un saluto.
Non so neanche se qualcuno mi leggerà. Ahahah!
Ciao da Giuseppe!
good day. good day. i will be reading, but i cannot speak italian, so english remains. :)
Ciao Giuseppe!
Leggo e scrivo italiano, però non sono italiano.
Ma in ogni caso, benvenuto in quest'angolo del internet : )
Ciao Giuseppe! Benvenuto 🎉
ciao e tanti saluti d'un svizzero :-)
ciao giuseppe, non lo so tanti parole dell italiano, ma parlo un poco...
Anyways, happy you are here (-:
Edit: this is probably very wrong grammar
A whole lot of Poles on here.
Heartwarming poles, the best! (Except language which No one understands! :{ CURVA!)
Wow! So many kind comments! So glad I feel!
I have to thank you for this heart-warming way of welcoming me.
And I love, I literally love, when someone speaks/writes to me in Italian: I find it cute and nice.
Maybe, it is what I also look like to native English speakers with my messages. Ahahah!
Have a good day, guys! :-)
Ciao Giuseppe! I can read/understand basic Italian, but that's about all. Always been meaning to pick it up again 😜
@griessnockerl - ist KURWA - and it can mean ANYTHING! XD
As you can see, this is a highly educational environment : D
ah, how I love people here XD
same :D